04 June 2014

Dreaming of Stability

I've been playing on Pinterest a lot lately to distract myself when I feel completely overwhelmed by everything in my life. Since I'm selling my bed and possibly other furniture--which is breaking my spirit a tiny bit--I've been looking at furniture I like to appease my feelings of loss. 95% of the furniture I own was my grandparents. The dressers I have have been mine since I was born. I had my own bedroom and bedroom set in my grandparents' house from the day I came home from the hospital. My mom gave my bed away because there was some lady I didn't know who needed a brass headboard, my sister has my nightstand, and all I have left are my dressers.

In a way to self-soothe I've been thinking about how it's okay that I sell my grandmother's couch and the dressers because I didn't actually pick them out. This gives me the opportunity to later on buy pieces of furniture that are intrinsically ME. All the furniture I have dates to the 1950's and is very much in the style of that decade which I love. BUT, I have other styles I love as well and other interests. That being said when I do get new furniture I think I want to build and/or design what I put in my house. I have a hard time purchasing things because they aren't quite ME. Does that make sense?

So as a taste of what I have been falling in love with for the future, I discovered the plans to build this bed frame.

Via Bob Vila
This example and the plans are for a twin bed but I think it could easily be adapted to a Queen with a shorter footboard. I love plumbing fixtures and pipe. I designed and built a chair a few years ago using PVC pipe and clothesline that was incredibly comfortable. The PVC created a frame for the seat which looked like a hammock. I would love to create furniture for myself again along similar lines.

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