10 February 2012

Good to Remember

I love mnemonics. They have helped me in school, life, work, crisis situations, etc. I saw this one on Pinterest from the Itsy Bitsy Paper Blog and thought we could all use the reminder.

Before you speak, THINK!
T--Is is True?
H--Is it Helpful?
I--Is it Inspiring?
N--Is it Necessary?
K--Is it Kind?

So, for the love of tulips, THINK! before you speak.

Also, this little gem is one of my favorites.

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; and small minds discuss people."  ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Don't be a small-minded person. There's so much more to life out there than what other people are doing.

And remember, the person who gossips to you will turn around and gossip about you.

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