20 June 2014


Some of you may have heard that I got a new job. This is true and it's fantastic. I received a job offer that went far beyond my expectations and then went even further than that when I disclosed that I was accepting a second job offer because I needed the dual income. Totally amazing what happens when you have the ability to negotiate because more than one company wants you. I have never had a manager respond the way this one has IN WRITING that made me feel like I was understood, supported, and genuinely wanted as part of the team. It's quite an amazing and new feeling. I felt a bit light-headed after I got the counter-offer and had to remind myself that even though it sounded too good to be true, IT WAS TRUE!

I've also changed my personal email address, removed Facebook from my life, and will be changing my phone number again in the near future. Too many people had access to some of that and gave information out to someone who has been harassing/stalking/threatening me since September. Even with this person blocked on Facebook, they were still able to send me a private message. Not cool! Seriously made me feel unsafe and this is the second time since Facebook changed their privacy and search policies that someone has stalked me on FB. Therefore, I broke up with Facebook and some other people.

Once the job gets going and I have at least 3 paychecks squirreled away I should be in a financial place to get my own apartment again. In an effort to keep my public record private, I am in the process of requesting that all information deemed public be redacted from their records. This means they can't give out my Social Security Number, address, phone number, workplace, etc to anyone who comes in and asks for it. I had no clue that your utility bills were considered a public record and that anyone who wants to can physically go into the County Clerk's Office and ask for them to obtain your address and phone number. Hello, my good friend, the Post Office Box. We shall never be parted again!

I feel truly blessed right now even though I feel that until recently I've been in the eye of a hurricane. There are people in my life who I've been able to confide in about private matters who have been understanding and who have actually kept ME confidential even with people calling them and asking for detailed information I have not chosen to share. Things are looking better and I feel that the future is bright and full of hope.

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