09 June 2014

"A Call To Arms"

I'm sharing the transcript of a speech given about a month ago in Huntington Beach, California. It was at a LDS Mid-Singles Conference (ages 30-45) and the speaker said many things I have been saying here on the blog for 5 years.

~Don't Gossip about other people!
~Don't Judge based on gossip!
~Don't Assume you know someone without one-on-one experiences!

It is well worth the read whether you are single, married, know people who are single or married, or need a pick-me-up to keep going. I have a really hard time putting myself out there on the singles scene. I've been there for more than half my life and I loathe it. I don't enjoy the backbiting, the snarky attitudes, the cliques.... The older I get the more reclusive I have become. I felt less social anxiety when I was a teenager than I do now attending any type of singles event that isn't a lecture/classroom setting.

It was so nice to read that I am not the only one who feels this way and is not ashamed to speak out against that type of environment that slowly erodes one's soul.

1 comment:

  1. I liked this post and the accompanying article. Unfortunately, I've been on both sides of judgement. I've judged others in order to make myself feel better through tearing someone else down. I've been on other side, too: being devastated by the outright lies and manipulations of others. Your post is very timely.
    Our world has become so mean and cruel, and I'm vowing to change the only person I can - ME. Thank you for another thought-provoking blog, Emily.
